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Lunney Watt & Associates is a comprehensive property valuation and consultancy firm which has evolved from the extensive industry experience of its principal, David Lunney.

Whilst we offer a range of valuation services we specialise in valuations which relate to litigation or disputes over land valuation issues. David Lunney and other senior valuation staff regularly provide expert reports for use in legal proceedings for a range of matters including:

  • Compulsory acquisition of land
  • Objections and appeals relating to the assessment of a Statutory Land Value pursuant to the Valuation of Land Act 1916
  • Assessments of compensation relating to a proposed easement, in accordance with Section 88K of the Conveyancing Act 1919
  • Valuations for proposed strata renewal matters pursuant to the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 and the Strata Schemes Development Regulation 2016
  • Commercial disputes and assessment of property related loss/damages
  • Valuations of potentially isolated sites for development applications and Class 1 Development Application appeals

We also undertake pre-acquisition valuations for both acquiring authorities and affected landowners, primarily throughout the Sydney Metropolitan Area but also in regional areas of NSW.  One of our senior valuers, Grahame Hollinshead, services the mid-north coast, north coast and northern rivers region of NSW.

One of our registered valuers, Dennis Rylaarsdam specialises in the valuation of properties in the extractive industry and waste management sector and regularly provides valuation and consultancy advice on specialist properties including quarries, landfills, alternative waste transfer stations, concrete batch plants and bitumen batch plants.

Currently Lunney Watt & Associates has six registered valuers on staff with additional part time valuation staff available to assist when required. As members of the Australian Property Institute (API) all professional staff are required to adhere to the Code of Ethics, the Rules of Conduct and the Practice Standards of the API.

All professional staff are required to participate in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in accordance with the API’s requirements.

We take pride in the provision of prompt and high quality valuation advice to all of our clients.

Last updated: 20th Nov 2018
Terms & Conditions
Suite 6/76 Henry St, Penrith NSW, 2750

© LUNNEY WATT & ASSOCIATES PTY LTD all rights Reserved 2007